A core value of ILC that applies to everything we do!
A gender transformative approach informs all policy discussions and ILC activities, committing ILC to “overcome any practices in its operations or those of its members that perpetuate the marginalisation of any section of society, and in particular of women.” While also respecting the diversity of our members. In order to do so, ILC launched its first Gender Audit in 2017 (available below.)
As a response, ILC's Council approved a Gender Action Plan in 2017, to support learning, improving the workplace environment and network culture, ensuring that gender justice is applied across everything done in the name of ILC.
Promoting Gender Justice is more than an exercise to tick-a-box, and indispensable in our efforts to achieve all our joint 10 commitments to people-centred governance.
2017 Gender audit & recommendations
In particular, ILC:
- organises training activities
- facilitates women’s leadership (both as part of the Leadership Programme and with dedicated facilities such as Women for Women –link to facility page-);
- promotes gender awareness and knowledge sharing (for instance via dedicated sessions on the membernet -link ?- and good practices database –link-)
- supports gender audits and elaboration of gender action plans at members and platform level -link to facility page-
In addition to a dedicated gender team in the ILC Secretariat, the ILC Council formed an Oversight Committee in 2018 which includes representatives from each of the Regional Steering Committees: WILDAF, Espaço Feminista, KPA, AZUL, IWGIA.
However, it’s our members that make ILC what it is. Hence, it is members’ interest, commitment, strengths and experiences that will help ILC become a gender-just Coalition!
Gender action plan
Learn more
Gender Glossary
Gender Glossary
Gender Glossary