Become a Member

We are a global alliance working to put people at the centre of land governance. Interested?

ILC opens up to receiving membership applications every three years. The next one will be In 2021, so stay tuned for more information!

Who is eligible?

Civil society and intergovernmental organisations that share the ILC's vision, mission, goal and objectives are eligible to apply. As per ILC's Charter, civil society includes: Organisations of farmers, producers, women, Indigenous Peoples, agricultural workers; fishers, the landless, pastoralists, forest users; other associations of rural peoples, including community-based organisations and social movements; local, national, and international non-governmental organisations and their networks; and national, regional, and international research institutes.

Individuals, governments, and private sector actors such as corporations are not eligible for ILC membership.

Vibrancy, Engagement, Expansion!

Approved, December 2016.

( PDF 8.2 MB )

The development of the Membership Strategy was overseen by the Membership Committee, which was appointed by ILC Council and composed of the following members: AAP, ANGOC, NITLAPAN , HUAIROU COMMISSION, IFAD and IFPRI. The process was facilitated by the ILC Global Secretariat and Regional Coordination Units.

Rights & Responsibilities

At ILC's Global Assembly of Members, annual regional assemblies and through virtual platforms, members identify priorities, share lessons, develop collaborative initiatives and plan their work. At the global assemblies, all members nominate and vote for representatives on the Council and vote upon governance issues of the Coalition.

  • Members pay annual fees as a gesture of ownership and commitment to the Coalition, and a contribution to its financial sustainability. The fees and contributions accrued are entrusted to a membership fund managed by the Council. Minimum contributions vary according to an organisation’s profile. (For more information, please see the Membership Contribution Policy).
  • Members collaborate actively with other ILC members towards the mission of ILC, and strive to incorporate into their organisational practice the successful results and lessons learned from initiatives jointly undertaken through ILC.

For more information, please contact the ILC Secretariat: